$ORDER staking plays a pivotal role in the $ORDER tokenomics, offering a range of benefits to all platform stakeholders. These benefits include a share of the protocol treasury, enhanced trading rewards, increased market making rewards, and governance rights.

Rather than rewarding stakers with inflated $ORDER token emissions, Orderly Network is dedicated to establishing an organic balance between supply and demand. This is achieved by providing real yields to stakers, who can earn rewards from the protocol treasury funded by a portion of the protocol revenue (starting at 60% from the launch of $ORDER staking). The revenue primarily comes from trading fees, which scale in accordance with the trading demand across all Orderly Network builder frontends.

Stake $ORDER or esORDER to earn VALOR

Stakers receive their portion of the protocol treasury in the form of VALOR rewards. VALOR serves as a metric for measuring a user’s $ORDER staking position based on the amount and duration of their stake. The rewards that each VALOR can claim depend on the current protocol treasury and the available supply of VALOR. Earning VALOR is exclusive to staking $ORDER or esORDER.

  • Total VALOR supply: 1 billion

  • Emission schedule: VALOR is emitted linearly every second to all $ORDER stakers in proportion to their $ORDER/esORDER stake. The complete VALOR supply will be distributed across 200 epochs, equating to 5M VALOR per epoch.

  • VALOR holders can choose to hold, participate in managing the protocol treasury, or redeem their share of assets from the treasury. Upon redemption, the VALOR is burned, permanently reducing the VALOR supply and increasing the weight of the remaining VALOR.

  • VALOR is non-transferable

Key benefits of the model

  1. Encouraging staking by incentivizing rather than imposing hard locks - stakers are encouraged to maintain their $ORDER tokens staked to prevent dilution from continuous emissions per block.

  2. Accumulating assets from the protocol revenue in the treasury before redemption creates opportunities for additional yields, supports product liquidity, and fosters partnerships with other DeFi protocols. Treasury management will be integrated into future governance.

  3. With a fixed supply, VALOR rewards early stakers by allowing them to accumulate more VALOR without dilution.

Staking is not allowed for unlocked team tokens or investor tokens.