Users might want to perform a swap/trade without interacting with off-chain components. We have created on-chain order support, where orders can be placed directly through the smart contract rather than the RESTful API.

The on-chain swap includes three steps under a single smart contract call: deposit, trade, and withdraw.

The on-chain order includes two steps under a single smart contract call: trade and withdraw.

Please note, all quotes and trades are against USDC as the quote currency

Before placing an order, a user first has to announce Orderly and Trading Key and make a storage deposit, more info here.

After the required steps are completed, the following smart contract function can be called to initiate an order:

All on-chain orders require a signature, more details on how to generate one can be found here

Create an On-chain Order



struct OnchainOrderInfo {
  symbol: String,
  client_order_id: Option, 
  order_type: OrderTypeEnum, // MARKET/IOC/FOK
  order_price: Option, // If order_type is MARKET, then is not required, otherwise this parameter is required.
  order_quantity: Option, // For MARKET order, if order_amount is given, it is not required.
  order_amount: Option,
  visible_quantity: Option, // The order quantity shown on orderbook. (default: equal to order_quantity)
  side: SideEnum, // SELL/BUY
  broker_id: Option, // for broker use, the id corresponding to the broker
  signature: Option, // trading signature

pub fn create_onchain_order(&mut self, 
  order_info: OnchainOrderInfo, 
  orderly_key: Option, // If orderly_key=null, orderly_key from env::signer_account_pk() will be used


near call asset-manager.orderly-dev.testnet create_onchain_order '{"order_info": {"symbol": "SPOT_NEAR_USDC", "side":"SELL","order_type":"MARKET","order_quantity":"3", "signature": "43833e76a0d881f0b435e933688025eab5a6b11c647ba5058b51057cf6d41ea61479ce7fdd8a770c0b99cf86c261c19573472af0678afb6844514818296a00f001"},"orderly_key": "ed25519:EDUzpbNh9j1U3gfpRjGbHEXRgTtE3omd394ZnopvUTuO"}' --accountId example.testnet --amount 3.1

Create an On-chain Swap

Fungible token

Storage has to be paid for each token being swapped from and to, otherwise, tokens may fail to withdraw with the error message ”Smart contract panicked: panicked at 'The account is not registered'” Check here for more details on storage deposit.



pub fn ft_transfer_call (&mut self,
    receiver_id: AccountId, //Orderly asset manager contract address
    amount: U128,
    memo: Option,
    msg: String, //FtOnTransferMessage::OnChainFtSwapInfo

pub enum FtOnTransferMessage {

pub struct OnchainFtSwapInfo {
    pub order_info: OnchainOrderInfo,
    pub orderly_key: Option,

pub struct OnchainOrderInfo {
    pub symbol: String,
    pub client_order_id: Option,
    pub order_type: OrderType,
    pub order_price: Option,
    pub order_quantity: Option,
    pub order_amount: Option,
    pub visible_quantity: Option,
    pub side: PurchaseSide,
    pub broker_id: Option,
    pub signature: String,


near call usdc.orderly-dev.testnet ft_transfer_call '{"receiver_id":"asset-manager.orderly-dev.testnet","amount":"10001000","msg":"{\"OnchainFtSwapInfo\":{\"order_info\":{\"symbol\":\"SPOT_NEAR_USDC\",\"order_type\":\"MARKET\",\"order_amount\": \"10\",\"side\":\"BUY\", \"signature\": \"f99d41a857f13fefbc2991d76ececab05f7579d23b9d22afc20662508113130a21aa7a5ac29e1f6a645c01ffdfb9e6f0f0c118ca6f9fd8854ee137f6947dbd0501\"},\"orderly_key\":\"ed25519:EKUzpbNh9j1T3gfpRjGbDEXRgTtE3omd394ZnopvUTuO\"}}"}' --accountId example.testnet --depositYocto 1 --gas 90000000000000

NEAR token



pub fn deposit_and_create_order (&mut self, 
    order_info: OnchainOrderInfo,
    orderly_key: Option

pub struct OnchainOrderInfo {
    pub symbol: String,
    pub client_order_id: Option,
    pub order_type: OrderType,
    pub order_price: Option,
    pub order_quantity: Option,
    pub order_amount: Option,
    pub visible_quantity: Option,
    pub side: PurchaseSide,
    pub broker_id: Option,
    pub signature: String,


near call asset-manager.orderly-dev.testnet deposit_and_create_order '{"order_info": {"symbol": "SPOT_NEAR_USDC", "side":"SELL","order_type":"MARKET","order_quantity":"3", "signature": "43833e76a0d881f0b435e933688025eab5a6b11c647ba5058b51057cf6d41ea61479ce7fdd8a770c0b99cf86c261c19573472af0678afb6844514818296a00f001"},"orderly_key": "ed25519:EKUzpbNh9j1T3gfpRjGbDEXRgTtE3omd394ZnopvUTuO"}' --accountId example.testnet --amount 3.1

Get the On-chain Order Fee



args: {
    token: accountId,

Returns the fee needed to create an on-chain order in Yocto NEAR amount.

When placing an order, an amount of NEAR equivalent to the result from this function has to be attached to the contract call.


mainnet near view asset-manager.orderly-network.near get_onchain_order_fee '{"token": "near"}'
View call: asset-manager.orderly-network.near.get_onchain_order_fee({"token": "near"})