Custom Fee Structure
We’re thrilled to unveil the latest enhancement to our services: the Custom Trading Fee System. This innovative feature introduces a suite of flexible fee-setting options, allowing builders to tailor fee structures to their unique user bases more effectively than ever before. By departing from the limitations of Orderly’s standard fees, builders now have the freedom to set fees that align perfectly with their strategies and customer profiles.
Overview of Fee Structure
Base Fee: Orderly retains 100% of the 3 bps taker fee, and there’s no maker fee.
Custom Fee: Builders keep 100% and decide their own additional charges, respecting Orderly’s base fee minimum.
User Flow for Builders
Determining the fee tiers
Builders decide on the logic for fee tiers for their users based on specific criteria, like volume or staked tokens, ensuring flexibility and precision in fee management, or set all users under the same fee rate.
Calculating the fee rates
After the criteria has been decided, builders need to assign users to fee rates based on that criteria.
Orderly has released a tool for assigning users to fee tiers based on volume to save builders the hastle of building it from scratch. Source code can be found on out GitHub.
The fee rate is total charged to the user (Orderly base fee + custom fee).
Cannot be less than Orderly base fee.
Set the default fee rate
Set the default
fee rate through POST /v1/broker/fee_rate/default
Setting the fees
After determining each user’s fee rate, builders need to send the updated list to Orderly at any time.
For users keeping their fee rate, including default: no update needed
For users re-assigned to “default” fee rate: send the list through POST
For users assigned to new fee rate: send the list through POST
. Send updates in batches, grouped by the samemaker_fee
All users are assigned to “default” fee rate unless overriden by builder.
Retrive user fee rates
Retrieve user’s fee rate through GET /v1/broker/user_info
Retrieve default fee rate through GET /v1/broker/fee_rate/default
Builder Rebate Distribution
Builders receive daily rebates in their fee wallet, calculated after deducting any referral rebates.
Live Fee Rate Impact: More builder flexibility in fee structuring.
Frequency of Fee Rate Changes: No strict limitations, but consistency is recommended.
Impact on End Users: Personalized and competitive fee structures.
Builder Integration Work: Development of a dynamic fee rate assignment system.
Fee Wallet Requirements: Currently EOA, with multisig support upcoming.