The following parameters need to be configured when using


All components within needs to be used within OrderlyAppProvider. This component provides global configuration for the App, and provides real-time state, data, and Account management through

import { Deposit, OrderlyAppProvider } from "";

export default function Trading() {
  return (
      brokerId="<Your broker id>"
      brokerName="<Your name>"
      <Deposit />

OrderlyAppProvider has the following parameters:


  • Type: AppLogos
  • Required: false

Customize your app’s icons, The AppLogos type is defined as follows:

// AppLogos type

type Logo = {
  // the logo image url
  img?: string;
  // also can use react component
  component?: ReactNode;
  className?: string;

type AppLogos = Partial<{
  // logo for top navigation bar
  main: Logo;
  // logo for popover/dialog header
  secondary: Logo;


  • Type: number
  • Required: false

The maximum number of toast notifications that are displayed concurrently.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Whether Testnet chains are included.


  • Type: (chainId: string) => void
  • Required: false

The callback function when the user switches between the mainnet and testnet will be invoked upon successful network switch. The function takes the switched network ID as a parameter.

If your app switches between testnet and mainnet, then you will have to do a full page reload for the Orderly SDK to work properly:

const networkId = (localStorage.getItem("orderly-networkId") ?? "mainnet") as NetworkId;

const onChainChanged = useCallback(
  (chainId, isTestnet) => {
    localStorage.setItem("orderly-networkId", isTestnet ? "testnet" : "mainnet");
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 100);
// ...

return (
    // ...
    {/* ... */}

The following properties will be passed through to the OrderlyConfigProvider component. For more information about the configuration of OrderlyConfigProvider, please refer to the technical documentation.


  • Type: string
  • Required: true

broker id


  • Type: string
  • Required: false
  • Default: mainnet

The network ID, possible values are mainnet and testnet.


  • Type: ConfigStore - API
  • Required: false
  • Default: new DefaultConfigStore() - API


  • Type: OrderlyKeyStore - API
  • Required: false
  • Default: new BaseOrderlyKeyPair() - API


  • Type: filteredChains | filterChainsFunc - API
  • Required: false
  • Default: all supported chains by Orderly Network

It is recommended to provide your own list of supported chains:

import { Arbitrum, Base, Ethereum } from "";

// ...

return (
  <OrderlyAppProvider chainFilter={{ mainnet: [Arbitrum, Base, Ethereum] }}>
    {/* ... */}


  • Type: DrawOptions - API
  • Required: `true

The shareOptions need to be set so that users can share their PnL as an image. A preset of images can be found [in our example DEX]9

If custom images are provided, it might be necessary to change the placement of various text elements. Please check following example:

export type layoutInfo = {
  width?: number;
  height?: number;
  fontSize?: number;

  color?: string;
  textAlign?: CanvasTextAlign;
  textBaseline?: CanvasTextBaseline;
  position: Partial<{
    left: number;
    right: number;
    top: number;
    bottom: number;

// ...

return (
      pnl: {
        backgroundImages: [
        layout: {
          message: {
            width: 100,
            height: 25,
            fontSize: 16,
            position: {
              left: 300,
              top: 150
          // other text placements are: `domain`, `information`, `position`, `unrealizedPnl`, `updateTime`
    {/* ... */}


WalletConnectorContext is a React Context used to provide wallet connection methods or data for the currently connected wallet in the app. It can be used as follows:

import { WalletConnectorContext } from "";

export const App: FC = (props) => {
  return (
    <WalletConnectorContext.Provider value={{ connect, wallet, connectedChain, disconnect }}>
      {/* children component */}

In the example code above, each property or method of the value object must be implemented; otherwise, the entire app will be unable to connect to the wallet. If you find this process cumbersome or are starting a new project, it is recommended to use the library provided by Orderly. Please refer to this link for more information. import ts from “typescript”